Tips On Buying Stocks Listed On The Australian Securities Exchange
If you’re looking for different investment opportunities and want to go into foreign markets, there are some great countries out there where innovation is taking place and unheard of sources of wealth can be found. One good foreign country to start with is Australia, a country whose economy has seen booms in natural resources and mining as well as certain manufacturing sectors. The great news is the laws governing securities trading in Australia aren’t a whole lot different than the US or Canada, and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is fairly easy to understand. Here are a few things to know about investing in Australian stocks.
Use The ASX Website For Information
One place you can get some immediate information about trading securities on the ASX is from the ASX website itself. You can get a lot of basic information on buying Australian securities, find out what companies have to do to be listed on the ASX, and other information related to the technicalities of trading in Australia. Most of the information is easy to understand, though there is some different terminology that foreign investors may need to familiarise themselves with.
Find An International Broker To Get Started
You’ll need to invest with a broker who has access to the ASX to start buying stocks. You can actually go to the ASX website and find brokers listed there, though likely not very many of them offer services to foreign investors. But no matter which broker you choose, you’ll want to find out about all their fees and commissions, and figure out which kind of account you’re going to open and fund with them.
Understand The Dividend Trend Of The ASX
One thing to be aware of is that a lot of companies listed on the ASX tend to pay out quite a few dividends to investors. If you’re looking to invest in order to pocket more money from big companies, seeing dividends paid out to you may be a huge winner for you. If you’re more interested in growth stocks and seeing companies grow larger much quicker, it may not be as attractive for you.
Follow Australian Investment Experts
Since you’re probably not as familiar with how some of Australia’s major corporations are doing, you may want to follow certain experts in Australian investment publications and email newsletters. You might look into newsletters such as The Motley Fool’s Australian edition and follow what certain advisors are saying there. You might also check out what companies like Everblue Capital have on their website, Crunchbase page, or social media pages. It always helps to look into the background and resume of the newsletter author or advisor you plan to follow to see their track record of investing.